Ascension, AdventHealth Are Breaking up Amita Health, Their 19-Hospital Joint System

Ascension and AdventHealth plan to unwind Amita Health, the joint operating company formed by the faith-based systems in 2015 to serve the greater Chicago area, Fierce Heralthcare reports.

The systems came to the decision together, saying that it “is in their collective best interest in order to more nimbly meet the changing needs and expectations of consumers in the rapidly evolving healthcare environment.”

The systems did not give a timeline for the split or any additional information about why they are ending the collaboration.

Amita Health is among the largest systems in Illinois with 15 acute care hospitals, four specialty hospitals and numerous outpatient care sites, making it the largest system in the area.

The partners said they are working to ensure a “smooth and expeditious transition” that will not interrupt patient care. Read more.

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