Rehoboth McKinley Christian Hospital in NM Could Close in Two Weeks

The Rehoboth McKinley Christian Hospital could possibly close in just two weeks. Thousands of patients who rely on the Gallup facility are worried about where they would get care, KOB4 reports.

McKinley County officials confirmed the hospital has enough money to stay open for 10 to 15 days.

However, the woman in charge of the hospital’s finances – until yesterday – said the situation is actually much more dire. KOB 4 spoke with the hospital’s former chief financial officer, who broke down the far-reaching impacts of the situation and why she was fired without an explanation.

“The hospital is in such a financial state that it cannot afford basic supplies to take care of our patients, including toliet paper, pulse ox’s,” said Chantelle Venter, who was the interim chief financial officer for RMCHCS until Tuesday, when she said she was suddenly fired. Read more.

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