Health-Care Deals Stay on Pace Despite Rising Interest Rates

Health-care mergers and acquisitions continued at a steady pace in April in the face of rising interest rates and ongoing uncertainty from the Russian invasion of Ukraine, Bloomberg reports.

The total number of transactions for the month was 176, up slightly from 174 in March, but down from 207 deals in April 2021.

Potential dealmakers are paying close attention to stock market conditions and the actions of the Federal Reserve Bank in response to inflation, said Larry Kocot of KPMG in Washington.

“Economic factors and the impact of the Ukrainian war on global economies are expected to continue to be headwinds for all sectors of the economy,” he said.

The top four sectors were life sciences, medical devices, physician practices, and healthcare IT, each with 20 or more deals in April. Other areas with significant deal volume included the cannabis sector and the home care and hospice sector. Read more.

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