Bassett Medical Center is the recipient of an $82 million grant from the Scriven Foundation to make rapid improvements resulting in greater patient care access. The health system will also launch significant recruitment and retention initiatives for staff in key areas.
Some of the programs the restricted grant will make possible include enhanced new investments in:
- More competitive salaries, benefits, and retirement for practitioners
- Improving access to childcare for employees
- Increasing affordable housing options for employees
- Developing new mentorship opportunities with local nursing schools
- Decreasing administrative demands on practitioners by acquiring more support staff and implementing technologically driven solutions
- Increasing education and training programs for clinical staff
In addition to the grant from the Scriven Foundation, Bassett recently announced that it has already invested approximately $50 million in increased compensation for its non-practitioner workforce this past year.
Bassett is also continuing to grow and deepen its partnership with Columbia University through their shared medical education, research, and clinical initiatives, helping to foster healthy rural communities. Read more.