Home-Based Care Providers Are Learning When To Walk Away From Medicare Advantage Contracts

“You’ve got to know when to hold ’em, know when to fold ’em, know when to walk away.”

Yes, these are lyrics to the enduring Kenny Rogers hit song, but they are also reflective of an idea more and more home-based care providers are applying to their negotiations and relationships with Medicare Advantage (MA) plans, Home Health Care reports.

Jet Health has first hand experience with walking away from a relationship with a big MA plan.

The Fort Worth, Texas-based Jet Health is a home health, hospice and personal care provider that operates in Texas, New Mexico, Colorado and Idaho.

Jet Health leaders asked the MA plan for a rate increase multiple times and were denied multiple times. This prompted the company to exit the relationship.

It came down to becoming a smaller – but more profitable – business versus continuing to take on these patients on a large scale while losing money.

Now, for Jet Health, it’s been important to keep cost stability top of mind when forming payer relationships. Read more.

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