Plastic Surgery & Aesthetics – A New PE Darling

Managing Directors at FOCUS Investment Banking say they have completed transactions for more than 20 medical practices and surgery centers since the summer of 2019. To date, none of those have been in plastic surgery since the team has always focused on specialties with extensive private equity activity. That allows them to create competitive processes with multiple buyers, give clients choice, and ultimately generate better outcomes. Like most investment bankers, FOCUS says its value is not primarily in finding a buyer, but in securing an excellent deal from a qualified buyer pool.  

For a while now, FOCUS says it has been watching the plastic surgery and aesthetics space for signs of increasing private equity activity.

“We now have 5+ truly dedicated plastic surgery buyers, some of which are backed by highly regarded private equity sponsors with extensive practice management experience,” the company said. “These are not dermatology groups that have done a plastics deal or two, but companies specially built for this unique space.”

FOCUS sees three major buckets of opportunity that excite private equity investors and surgeons alike. Read more.

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