Senators Crack Down on Nonprofit Hospitals’ Charity Care, Tax-Exempt Status

A group of bipartisan senators are ramping up scrutiny on nonprofit hospitals’ charity care spending, calling for a revision of federal auditing standards over concerns that hospitals abuse their tax-exempt status to avoid providing free and discounted care to communities and low-income populations.

In a pair of letters sent to federal tax commissioners, lawmakers including Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., and Sen. Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa, urged a review of charity care tax regulations — which exempt nonprofit hospitals from paying federal taxes in exchange for subsidized care — arguing that current government oversight is “lax” and insufficient, Healthcare Dive reports.

Current auditing standards allow nonprofit hospitals to report the scope of their charity care in an open-ended structure, preventing transparency into nonprofits’ charity care for tax exemptions that one study estimated were worth over $28 billion in 2020, according to the letters. Read more.

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