Hospitals Push FTC to Withdraw ‘Largely Unnecessary’ Updates to Pre-Merger Regulatory Filings

The American Hospital Association is among those pushing back against the Federal Trade Commission’s plans to update pre-merger notification requirements, calling the proposal “a substantial burden” that’s “largely unnecessary” for effective antitrust review of the hospital industry.

The commission had unveiled in late June its proposed changes to the Hart-Scott-Rodino (HSR) Form and accompanying instructions, which outline requirements for merger hopefuls during the initial waiting period.

The update would increase the information companies are required to prepare and provide to the regulator, which the FTC said was necessary in light of the increasing volume and complexity of deals made in recent years, Fierce Healthcare reports.

The agency also acknowledged at the time that its proposal would roughly quadruple the per-hour filing burden on merging organizations, as the current estimated average of 37 hours per filing would balloon to an average of 144 hours. Read more.

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