Providers’ Best Weapon Against the ‘Retail Revolution’? Digital Health Transformation

In recent years, the retail industry has been colliding with the healthcare industry. Some call it the retail revolution.

This revolution has been characterized by the rapid advance of large retailers into and across healthcare delivery and technology, Health Care IT News reports. Driven in large part by healthcare’s move toward consumerism and patient experience, the revolution also is powered by technology innovation – as well as how providers and patients have been responding to the pandemic.

Laura Kreofsky is vice president of strategy at Pivot Point Consulting, a healthcare advisory company that works with provider organizations. She has been a keen observer of the retail revolution and the impact it is having on healthcare.

Health Care IT News interviewed Kreofsky to get an idea of the pros and cons of retail’s entry into healthcare, the revolution’s impact on hospitals and health systems, her belief that provider organizations must execute on digital strategy to compete, and what healthcare CIOs should be doing today. Read more.

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