Jackson Health System in Precarious Financial Situation After “Critical Care” Funding Eliminated

Miami-based Jackson Health System has roughly 1,300 job vacancies, CBS Miami reports. 

CEO Carlos Migoya reportedly told the news station the hospital system spends around $150 million annually to fill those spots through temp agencies and overtime. One way to ease that financial stress is to recruit people to work in healthcare.

“Making sure that a lot of new people, who are really interested in healthcare, join healthcare. That does take time,” he said.

But beginning July 1, Jackson Health System will operate in a new reality.  Lawmakers eliminated additional “critical care” funding for hospitals.

Migoya said the financial hit could not come at a worse time.

“Being the biggest Medicaid provider in the state, we had the biggest cut, which is $71 million,” he said.

At a Miami-Dade Commission meeting this week, Migoya said Jackson Health is in a precarious financial situation. Read more.

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