UHS Explores JVs, Aggressive Managed Care Negotiations as Costs Increase

universal health services

Amid ongoing labor and volume recovery pressures, hospital operator UHS sees a significant opportunity over the next five to seven years in joint ventures with acute hospitals and larger hospital operators, Healthcare Dive reports.

UHS has been in conversation with acute care hospitals that have existing behavioral health services but feel they could be more efficient and “they’re looking for a partner who is more expert,” UHS CFO Steve Filton told investors during a call on the system’s second quarter.

UHS had a number of new facilities open this year, including its first behavioral health hospital in Wisconsin. But management is measuring an uptick in capital investment against challenges in opening new capacity at a time of acute labor scarcity, which — along with impacting the system’s ability to meet patient demand in the second quarter — contributed to its net income halving on a year-over-year basis. Read more.

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